We stock a wide range of conservation grade and museum grade mountcard. These can also be bought by the sheet.
As a standard we use conservation/white core mountcard, as it is pre-treated to remove the majority of lignin (acid). The manufacturer guarantees that the core will stay white for at least 25 years. Made from high quality alpha cellulose, it is 1400 and 3000 micron thicknesses with a sheet size of 815 x 1120mm, available for purchase in store as a sheet or made to measure.
Whitecore complies with Fine Art Trade Guild (FATG) conservation level standards making it ideal for a wide variety of applications. Uses include mounting of prints, drawings and conservation framing.
The mountcard range comes in a wide assortment of colours, and we can advise you on the best combination based on the colours within the image and where the framed image will be hung.
We also stock metallic mountcard which is very effective as an undermount, extra thick mountcard which adds extra depth to an image, black core which adds a change to the traditional white core and suede mountcard which is very effective when framing medals.
We also cater for oval images and multiple apertures. Oval aperture mounts can be cut for oval or rectangular frames. Multiple aperture mounts can be cut to accomodate most sizes, shapes or number of images.
Our museum grade mountcard is suitable for items of a highly sensitive nature, and is made up of a truly acid free 100% virgin cotton fibre core. Cotton does not have the acid producing lignin found in wood based products.
Another popular service offered is mount, back and wrap. This involves mounting images with a backing and wrapping in cellophane, ready for sale or presentation in galleries or exhibitions.
What is the main purpose of a mountcard?
The mountcard's main job in life is to lift glass (a liquid) away from an image to avoid the glass and image gluing over time. In an effect called Newton rings, similar to that of the bruising you get when you press an LCD screen.
The mount also has the secondary bonus of giving the image a nice border and drawing in the eye.
An example of Newton Rings:
As a wedding present my wife and I were given a lovely sterling silver Vera Wang picture frame. Sadly as a manufactured item we were unable to put a mountcard in due to the space constraints... and this has happened over time: